Dating App News

2020 has tested our dating lives — as well as everything else. With all the time spent hunkered down at home, it’s understandable that many singles have turned to dating apps and sites to find love (or at the...
Karens have really made a name for themselves this year. If you go on social media or hey, to your local grocery store, you’ll catch sight of one. While they may go by another name, their qualities scream “Karen”:...
When I was single and excited about a potential new partner, my mother would never ask me about his name. Or his profession. Or his family. Nope, her only concern? His birthday. As an avid believer in astrology and...
Being single during the pandemic hasn’t been a comfortable experience. Without the opportunity to meet your date face-to-face, determining chemistry, connection and compatibility is challenging to say the least. Though a bummer for those actively looking for long-term love,...
Ask any single cat-owner, and they'll riddle off the 'alone forever' jokes they've heard. For whatever reason, feline companions have long been a symbol of old maids who never found their one-true-love, but one dating app is out to...
While plenty of conversations are fair game in the initial stages of online dating—the weather, your job, what you're doing Friday night—others feel a bit pushy. Like, say, women who discuss their ticking uterus. Or men who are approaching...
Not so long ago, the news of an app for men with—ahem—smaller packages went viral. After all, penis size is something men and women alike think about, but it's not exactly something that's openly discussed. Since Dinky Dating sparked...
Before they started, Harrit Diwan and his wife Brittney were really frustrated with the plethora of dating apps. While nearly all of them promote the opportunity to find love, their experience was stressful and exhausting. In many cases, their...
If you weren’t comfortable on video at the start of the year, chances are high you’ve become a seasoned pro over the last few months. Everything that used to be in-person is now a Zoom, FaceTime or Google Hangout...
It’s day—oh, like—3,404,400 of quarantine. Or at least it feels that way. While there is much chatter around parents struggling to balance childcare and work, and complaints of couple squabbles, we have to tip our hat to the singles....
During a time when it’s easy to feel disconnected from the rest of the world (and even your neighbors), one dating community is offering their members the opportunity to broadcast their social distancing experiences. That’s right, thanks to the...
If you’re feeling overwhelmed, stressed and lonely right now—you’re not alone. The world is collectively responding to the outbreak of a new strand of the coronavirus, COVID-19. Major countries and cities have gone on lockdown, with many others predicted...
There’s a reason why so many people breathe a sigh of relief when they finally meet someone they can tolerate forever and ever (amen). Many argue that while online dating has opened up a whole new pool of singles,...
If you have a friend who has been single forever (ever, ever), it’s time to reach out and check on them. In a digital age where most of dating is conducted via our thumbs, swiping right and left, more...
Though online dating is normalized and far more common today than it was ten years ago (or even five)—there is still something intimidating about meeting a stranger. After all, with horror stories about folks catfishing matches and lying about...
On Monday, you matched with someone promising. On Tuesday, they messaged you a generic response. By Thursday, you talked here-and-there, and mentioned ‘weekend plans’ a few times. Now, a week has passed—and still no date. Ugh. Such is the...
When singles run out of energy to put up with (yet another) failed first date, they often turn to pals to introduce them to potential matches. The trouble though, is ‘meeting through friends’ is becoming less and less common,...
If life was in fact a romantic comedy in 2020, you would find yourself recently single, decide to download a dating app and somehow, match with a celebrity. The two of you would banter and flirt, meet up for...
There’s no way around it—digital dating accounts for at least one-fifth of all new relationships started today. But if you ask singles, they may refute this fact since it seems increasingly more difficult to hold the attention of matches...
Remember eons ago when you were in middle school? And holding hands was electrifying? Did you have your first kiss via an old fashioned game of ‘spin the bottle’? This kiss-and-tell concept has recently been modernized into a new...