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The Dating Glossary

As dating has evolved to a much more digital landscape, a slew of new words and trends have emerged, requiring singles to brush up on their knowledge before diving in. To ensure you’re up to date and ready to tackle the ever-changing vocabulary, reference Datezie’s Dating Glossary. Our collection defines, explains—and offers humor and strategy—to the new ABC’s of falling in love.

Dating Glossary: Paperclipping

TLDR: Paperclipping: When someone ghosts you, you get over them and they suddenly show back up in your life. Rock, paper, scissors… paperclipping? We’re back...

Dating Glossary: Fluffing

TLDR: Fluffing: The act of leading someone on emotionally — just so you can feel pretty great about yourself. Spoiler: It’s rude, don’t do...

Dating Glossary: Cloaking

TLDR: Cloaking: standing someone up on a date before you meet them — then blocking them in every way possible digitally. Yikes. In theory, online dating...

Dating Glossary: Lovebombing

TLDR: Lovebombing: the act of intentionally moving a relationship too fast to gain control over your partner. What is love? Baby’s gonna leave you if...

Dating Glossary: Freeclimbing

TLDR: Freeclimbing is when you get lost in a deep, dark hole of cyber-stalking your match on Facebook, Instagram, Google, you name it. Once upon...

Dating Glossary: DTR

TLDR: DTR is the discussion two people have when they want to decide if they are in a relationship—or not. In a relationship, there are...

Dating Glossary: Zombieing

TLDR: Zombieing is when someone ghosts you—and then reappears out of nowhere—months or years later. The first rules of zombie fighting are simple: Carry a...

Dating Glossary: Curving

TDLR: Curving: when a person rejects you subtly and continuously—but keeps you hanging on. It’s not about how well you take a windy route,...

Dating Glossary: Breadcrumbing

TDLR: Breadcrumbing: when you give the idea you’re interested in a relationship—or sex—but never follow through. You might have to use cliff notes—but try to...

Dating Glossary: Cushioning

TDLR: Cushioning: when you’re in what you think is a serious relationship, but your partner is keeping ‘cushions’ in the wings—just in case. If you’ve...

Dating Glossary: Micro-Cheating

TLDR: Micro-cheating: where you aren’t 100 percent emotionally faithful to your partner–but physically, you don’t break any rules. Some couples find the concept of monogamy...

Dating Glossary: Benching

TLDR: Benching is when you keep someone on the backburner—just in case someone else better doesn’t come along. Those star-studded, rose-colored rom coms all...

Dating Glossary: Ghosting

TLDR: Ghosting: when someone you’re romantically interested in completely disappears without warning or communication. You swipe right. You match. You start a witty banter. You...

Dating Glossary: Cuffing Season

TLDR: Cuffing season: when singles actively seek a partner once the weather transitions from warm to cold temperatures. The second the first chill hits...

Dating Glossary: Catfishing

TLDR: Catfishing is when someone pretends to be someone they aren’t online—and never wants to meet you in person. While your grandpa might associate this...