Online Dating is On the Rise During the Pandemic

Swipe-Happy Quarantiners are a thing, according to Civic Science

Covid-19 dating

(Last Updated on May 24, 2020 by Datezie Editors)

It’s day—oh, like—3,404,400 of quarantine. Or at least it feels that way. While there is much chatter around parents struggling to balance childcare and work, and complaints of couple squabbles, we have to tip our hat to the singles. Going through a pandemic that requires endless hours cooped up inside is no easy task by yourself. And to pass the time, many are turning to their ole’ trusty dating apps to pass the hours. In fact, bachelors and bachelorettes report their swiping 21 percent more than before.

According to a study conducted by CivicScience of 2,600 United States adults, more than half estimated their online dating usage was about the same but one fifth has been finding solace, hope (and perhaps entertainment) by logging into their profiles. With Gen Z home from college and millennials unable to maintain their particularly busy social calendar, they have more idle minutes to match, chat and—gasp!—even talk on the phone.

In a strange turn of events, online dating used to be a nuance for many singles but now, provides a much-needed human connection. In fact, 12, percent of those surveyed reported going on a ‘virtual date’ since the COVID-19 rampage began. And more than a quarter shared they were actively searching for opportunities to meet someone ‘face-to-face’ via Zoom or other video services.

Considering more people are logging in and focusing on their phones, it’s an ideal time to jump into the pool since your odds of finding a match are higher. Just remember, the same rules apply: be kind, be upfront about your intentions, and don’t send anything that’s unsolicited. People may be bored—but not that bored. 

If you are craving a flirt session or perhaps, a conversation that leads to a relationship, don’t rule out online dating. Though it may be awhile before you can enjoy a drink next to one another, technology provides a different way to build a banter and foster a budding romance. It provides a chance to take off the mask—both literally and figuratively—and reveal your authentic self. 


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