The Dating App You Can Only Use Once a Week

Easy like Sunday morning.

Flutter Dating App

(Last Updated on March 9, 2020 by Datezie Editors)

On Monday, you matched with someone promising. On Tuesday, they messaged you a generic response. By Thursday, you talked here-and-there, and mentioned ‘weekend plans’ a few times. Now, a week has passed—and still no date. Ugh. Such is the tale of far too many internet relationships. Since the current digital dating scene allows for constant connectivity 24/7, it’s very easy to let convos linger and to delay the face-to-face meeting. This can become frustrating for singles, especially those who would prefer to get off the apps and into a healthy, fulfilling relationship.

You know, one that makes their heart flutter. And thus, is where the concept of the latest dating app to come out of Silicon Valley was born. Appropriately named Flutter, this app only works on Sundays.

Here’s how it goes down:

  • You sign up to join their waitlist. (Currently only available in San Francisco, but expanding to other markets in the United States this year.)
  • Once your profile is approved, you are added to the ‘dating pool.’
  • On Sunday evenings, you can view, like and comment on recommended profiles.
  • A few hours later, matches are released and messaging begins.

That’s when the real fun begins: you only have until midnight to make a connection. That’s right, once Monday rolls around, you can’t chat anymore. And—wait for it—all messages and matches are deleted forever. 

Sort of taking a ‘snooze or you lose’ approach to dating, the founder behind this app became frustrated with the endless, pointless chit-chatting that led nowhere. His belief was singles saw dating as something they could access on their phone, anytime they wanted, so they never felt an urgency to step up their game. “We realized that nobody dates 24/7 so we shouldn’t be on dating apps 24/7. That is why we made Flutter only work on one day of the week. We chose Sunday because it’s the day when people have the most free time and can dedicate it to dating,” they shared on their website. “And we also love the idea of starting the new week with a new connection.” 

What do you think? Would a Sunday-only dating app work for your schedule? Actually lead to more dates? Tell us in the comments.


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