Karens Are Striking Out on Dating Apps Right Now, New Study Says

So, maybe it’s time to get a nickname?

Karen Dating

(Last Updated on December 9, 2020 by Datezie Editors)

Karens have really made a name for themselves this year. If you go on social media or hey, to your local grocery store, you’ll catch sight of one. While they may go by another name, their qualities scream “Karen”: They’re the type to demand to speak to a manager, defy posted mandates and recommendations, and well, just make everything more difficult than it’s intended to be. 

So, why “Karen?” That’s something we’ll never know. Other names like Becky, Susan, and Chad have been used to define these types of people, who are often white with classist, racist, and prejudiced behaviors — but Karen remains the leader in 2020.

The memes, videos, and constant chatter are proving to make it difficult for actual people named Karen to meet their match. In fact, new research from a dating app called Wingman found that matches for women named Karen dropped by 21 percent in the last year alone. Responses to messages sent by women named Karen also dropped by 33 percent. 

Some women named Karen — 300, to be exact — are even in recovery mode, including phrases like “She’s not a real Karen” in their bio in hopes to attract potential matches. But there’s some good news: Different spellings of Karen — think: Karin, Carin, or Caren — aren’t being targeted the same way, so it’s a very small pool to begin with. 

With that being said, there’s a chance that another name may come along and steal Karen’s thunder. “The trends we observe with online dating usually reflect what’s going on in the real world,” Wingman CEO and founder Tina Wilson said in a press release, per Yahoo. That means, if you’re reading this and named Karen, you shouldn’t lose hope just yet.


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