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Sex Studies

Everyone is enticed by a no-strings-attached encounter for different reasons. Sometimes, it’s to get over a terrible, sex-less relationship. Perhaps, it’s when you’re in the mood to do the horizontal tango — but you’re not ready for anything serious....
Like it or not, you’re about to be schooled on what it’s like to get kinky in your 50s (and 60s and 70s…). Recently we chatted about Lumen, a dating app designer for the over-the-hill crowd who are looking...
When you’re in a relationship (or even dating around), you’ve probably thought to yourself a few dozen times: If only I could read her mind. This is true when she’s saying the 10th crazy thing of the day —...
Tune in to — literally — any movie or TV show and the same ‘ole story will play out. Man wants to have sex. Woman isn’t feeling it. Man gets frustrated. Woman eventually decides she wants to. And boom-shack-a-lak. Considering much...
We know, we know — you don’t want to think about your parents gettin’ jiggy with it, but you had to get here somehow. And if researchers are right, there’s a high chance your parents had more sexy time...
No matter how modern dating has become (looking at you, dating apps galore) — there are certain aspects that remain animalistic. In fact, the reason you’re attracted to some women — and not to others — can purely be...
Every generation has a different approach toward the horizontal tango. While the 50s were more muted and traditional, the 60s ignited the wild-thing, free-spirited mindset that danced right through the 70s. In the 80s, as women doubled-down on their...
Quick: close your eyes and think about the last time you had sex.   (We’re waiting.) (Yep, still waiting.) If you’re still thinking as you continue to read this article, then you may be part of the dry spell that’s apparently sweeping...
Though it was uh, a little harsh, the physical education teacher in Mean Girls wasn’t far off when he warned: “Don't have sex, because you will get pregnant and die!” This could be true if you don’t take rubber-usage...
It’s the reason you likely open your friend’s medicine cabinet and poke around, or why you secretly wish your partner would give you their phone’s passcode. By nature, everyone’s a bit nosy — and this is especially true when...