Here’s Everything You Wanted to Know About Sex Over 50

… and some things you didn’t.

Older woman having sex

(Last Updated on June 20, 2019 by Datezie Editors)

Like it or not, you’re about to be schooled on what it’s like to get kinky in your 50s (and 60s and 70s…). Recently we chatted about Lumen, a dating app designer for the over-the-hill crowd who are looking for love — and ahem, lust — in their golden years. In short, they are providing a wake-up-call for older generations, reminding them love i not lost, and according to their new study, neither is libido.

In an effort to understand the under-the-sheets action, they surveyed 2,000 sexually active folks between the ages of 50 and 80, both male and female. Their findings are definitely steamier than what many would expect. Here, what we found the most jaw-dropping.

Sex becomes more adventurous after 50.

Most senior citizens are considered wise because with all of those birthday candles comes plenty of insight and confidence. But also because getting older means you tend to care less about little things — and more so about the big things. In terms of the bedroom, this means you can have more fun when you aren’t worried about how many rolls your tummy has or how you look in certain lighting. In the survey, 57 percent of respondents said they are far more adventurous in their sex life because they have less inhibitions. More than a third of men choose missionary as their favorite, while 25 percent prefer doggy. Almost a quarter of women like missionary, while only 14 percent get into doggy style. Woman on top though? That’s the top pick — even in the older years.

Sex is still a desire up until this age.

You probably don’t want to think about your parents — or um, cringe, your grandparents — getting jiggy with it. But they may be, since 51 percent in the study said they will have sex until they are physically unable to. When asked what that age might be? The average answer was 79. Depending on your age, you probably have a solid few decades of orgasms ahead of you, so don’t sweat it.

Sexual protection isn’t really a thing. Nor is Viagra.

Though practicing safe sex is always recommended — when you can’t get pregnant and you probably aren’t sleeping around, condom use doesn’t seem to be that high of a priority. At least, according to the 56 percent of folks who said they never choose to wear protection during intercourse. And while Viagra certainly is a fan favorite for many dudes, 82 percent of men reported they are able to rise to the occasion sans-drugs.

Sex lasts 24 minutes — and it’s great.

Various movies and television features depict sex as a long, drawn-own, romantic interlude but for the older crowd, it’s more like a romp. On average, the survey found that sex lasts around 24 minutes… but it’s awesome. In fact, a third said these days, they’re having the very best sex of their life.

Perhaps getting older is something to look forward to after all, eh?


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