Would You Dare Try An Open Relationship?

Is two the loneliest number?

Open Relationship

(Last Updated on June 3, 2019 by Datezie Editors)

It takes two to tango — or is it three to tap dance? Maybe it’s four to foxtrot? If you ask Canadians on how many partners they’d prefer to have, the answers may surprise you. At least, according to new research that took a look at the shifting attitudes toward an open relationship. While the negative stereotype of casual sex has moved positive in the past decade, the concept of non-monogamous relationship is still gaining steam. Even so, one in 10 Canadians would like to test it out.

In case you need a refresher, polyamorous dynamics take on many forms. And since hey, they’re all about being non-restrictive, the rules vary. Sometimes a couple gives each other permission to have one-night-stands when the mood strikes, others are okay with ongoing sexual encounters with other people. Some are threesome partnerships. Whatever the case, it’s the idea that a romantic and physical connection can be maintained by more than two consenting adults.

Though some studies have been conducted in America that found 2 to 4 percent of citizen are in an open relationship, this new study is the first of its kind in Canada. Researchers from Ryerson  University and Umea University looked at 2,003 adults to understand their attitude toward multi-partner relationships, and found 2.4 percent of the population are currently keeping their options — and bed — open. Nearly a fourth of participants were once in an open situation, while 12 percent said they preferred it.

Even though men slightly outnumbered women on their willingness to try an open relationship (or report being in one) — the numbers between the sexes aren’t too far off. The only major difference is on what is most ideal — an open or closed relationship. Eighteen percent of men want to bed and date multiple women, while only six percent of women feel the same.

Another factor that impacts your polyamorous curiosity? According to the study: your age. Those who are aged 20 to 40 are the most open, while other generations are intrigued by not as eager.

What we found to be the most compelling finding from the study is the fact that those in an open relationship are also happy in a monogamous situation, too. This could indicate that if you’re generally pretty laid-back and fancy-free, you can find a way to be happy with one or many people.

What do you think? Would you ever try an open relationship? Tell us in the comments!


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