The New Video Series That Helps You Get Over An Affair

Emotionally and financially

Recovering from affair

(Last Updated on April 11, 2021 by Datezie Editors)

With a newborn baby and a three year old, Melissa Davis discovered her husband was cheating on her. As she puts it, the news nearly killed her. Not only was she dealing with betrayal and heartbreak but she now no longer had insurance that allowed her to pay for a therapist. As she started researching, she realized she wasn’t the only woman (or man) left to put together their lives following an affair.

In fact, the numbers around cheating are grim: 26 percent of men and 16 percent of women have admitted to having sex with someone else while married. And those numbers only get higher with age, with affairs more likely the longer you’ve been together. For Davis, the most surprising fact she’s learned from her company, After the Affair, is that many women come to her when they’re pregnant or mothers of young children.

In an effort to make this healing process less hassled with stress when it’s already anxiety-ridden enough, Davis partnered with two therapists who specialize in this type of care. Alongside Julia Kristina and Melo Garcia, these three powerhouses created a video series to meet the needs of people who are not able to get individual professional care. The affordable cost of the two month, eight video program ($35.95/month or  $8.98/session) makes it accessible to all, especially those who can’t afford the average $100 co-pay for psychology. But if someone can’t pay for it? Davis will give it for free — no questions asked.

“My goal is to bridge the gap for people who are unable or afraid to reach out for help when recovering from their partner’s affair. So many people feel too embarrassed or too much shame about even admitting it happened and never get help. Others become severely impoverished financially or pick up extra jobs and have no time to seek help,” Davis shared in an interview with Datezie. “We want to meet this need and create a way that everyone can get help. We want them to go from feeling like a puddle on the floor to feeling strong enough to stand on their own two feet again.”

If you’ve recently found yourself in this common — yet incredibly depressing — situation, or know someone who has, you can get started with a free intro session. With the help of these experts, you will be able to heal your wounds, move on with your life and find the right partner you need.


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