Millenials Want Love Not Hookups, According To Match Study

Also: D*ck Pic Demand May be Understated

Millenials Looking for Love, Not Sex

While most eligible women will say Peter Pan Syndrome is alive and well — popular dating website and app Match is on a mission to change the modern mindset. In other words: dudes, it might be time to grow up and pony up for more than a one-night-stand. According to their recently released annual Singles in America study, only 9 percent of singles actually want to date casually. 

In their survey of 5,000 folks, aged 18 to 70 and representing all ethnicities and sexual orientations, they asked about everything: #MeToo, sending nude photos, money within a relationship — and so much more. 

Based on the results, they are challenging folks to not screw around but to well, get serious, via their campaign that’s appropriately titled, They also partnered with comedian and actress Rebel Wilson who is full support of less BS and more XOXO: “Dating shouldn’t be a numbers game — or any game at all — it should be about finding your number one partner. [We should be] talking about real feelings, real commitment and treating each other like the amazing effing people we are! …join me in flipping the script on dating today and let’s make love…some real love.”

Here, some other interesting tidbits that may just change the way you swipe:

#MeToo has made men approach dating differently.

And that’s a great thing, considering 51 percent of males are being more conscious of their choices — whether in words or in gestures — as they go into dates. While 14 percent think it has made it more difficult (that’s 19 percent men and 10 percent women) — the rest seem to be on board with the shift. 

Millennials do care.

So do Gen Zers. While these generations are pigeonholed as self-centered, Instagram-fame-seeking, job-hopping folks, Match’s study discovered the opposite. In fact, a whopping 70 percent of Gen Z and 63 percent of Millenials want to find romantic love… now. And nope, not just a booty call.

Men get asked to send nudes.

With gender equality also comes… a balance in X-rated photo requests? Match says so! In fact, one in two men has been solicited for a dick pic — and 44 percent of men have sent one. Just remember: the internet lasts forever, so hit that arrow with care. 

Money could be what keeps people from being tied down.

Struggling to make ends meet is never a situation anyone wants to be in — but it’s one that plenty of responders find themselves in these days. When you have woes about income, it’s tough to focus on anything else, including finding love. According to their research, one in four singles says a potential partner’s financial situation can turn them on or off. And one in three say their own money matters prevents them from committing. 

What do you think? Do you agree with these findings? What boat are you on: sail into the ocean full of many, many fish… or into the sunset with one? 


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