The Latest eHarmony Study Isn’t That Interesting — Except For This

Wait for it.

Netflix and Chill

(Last Updated on June 3, 2019 by Datezie Editors)

With decades under their belt, eHarmony is often considered one of the original online dating sites. Though they’ve evolved their brand to reflect shifting dynamics within newer generations, they’re still trying to compete with the millennial favorites of Tinder and OkCupid. In an effort to stick with the times (we think), they recently released a survey…

…and most of the results were, well, meh.

Or at least, not surprising. By interviewing 1,000 Americans (that weren’t eHarmony users, for the record), they tried to get to the core of desirability. Some of the findings — that you could have predicted yourself — include: 70 percent of people are looking for a serious relationship. Most people value honesty and kindness in a partner — with sense of humor coming in at third. Single-and-looking also have a soft spot for folks who work in a caring profession: think doctors, nurses, firefighters, teachers.

And the most expected of all? Men value physical attributes more than women, while for both sexes, it isn’t the top priority.

We do have to cut eHarmony some slack since one result of this study is actually intriguing. Though they have a reputation for traveling on a moment’s notice and being easily distracted (in work and in love), they prefer “nights in” more so than other generations.

When they’re searching in the wild wild west of the web, they are more likely to match with someone who they would want to snuggle up to on the couch, and binge-watch the latest and greatest from Netflix or Hulu. eHarmony suggests the reason for this could be tied to the fact that an abundance of screen time makes them crave an emotional, intimate connection.

That, or they need someone to comfort ‘em after Game of Thrones came to an end. You be the judge.


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