How to Be a Socially Distant Dater

Virtual wine, anyone?

social distance and dating

(Last Updated on May 24, 2020 by Datezie Editors)

If you started 2020 with high hopes of finding the love of your life, and now you’re sitting on your couch, wondering when you’ll be able to order a cocktail at a bar again… you’re not alone. As the worldwide healthcare community reacts to the novel strain of the coronavirus, COVID-19, couples, families, roommates and singles are shuttered inside, awaiting for the clear to resume normal life again. While there’s no doubt that working parents are balancing deadlines and childcare, and couples are figuring out how to spend 24/7 together, it may be singles who are struggling the most. 

After all, 100 percent solitude without the option of meeting up with a pal is not only isolating, but lonely. And if you feel as if all hope is lost to find love, take a deep breath—and remember are ways to engage with other singles from afar. It just takes a bit of creativity.

First things first, prioritize health and safety. Though the regulations vary on your location, generally speaking, the public is advised to do the following:

  • Limit large gatherings. (The CDC recommends no more than 50 people, while President Donald Trump says no more than ten.)
  • Do not physically contact another human, since people can be asymptomatic and still be carriers of the virus. (We know, that’s a toughie.)
  • If you are around others, maintain a six-foot space between you. (Yep, that means not even PG action.)
  • Wash your hands. (And don’t stop.)

With these ground rules in mind, challenge your matches to look at the upside of this strange, confusing time: getting to know one another slowly. These “date” ideas will foster deeper communication, create a stronger connection, and may just result in a bonafide relationship at the end of the ordeal:

Be Upfront With Matches

Are you looking for the real deal? Or are you looking for something casual to pass the time? Do you want a friend—or someone who could be much more? Whatever you’re in the market for, get it out in the open—and fast. In a time where everyone’s anxiety levels are sky-high, added stress is unnecessary by catfishing or breadcrumbing.

Don’t Be Afraid to Vulnerable

Are you worried about your job? Anxious for your grandmother? Nervous about the world, as a whole. One thing’s for sure—other people on dating apps feel exactly the same way. Now, more than ever, being open and honest and willing to show your vulnerable side is important. This will create stronger, happier connections that get you through this strange point in history.

Talk About Other Things

Yes, COVID-19 is dominating much of the conversation and your brain right now, but think of your ‘social-distant’ dates as an escape. Take time to get to know one another. Ask questions. Play games. Listen to what they are saying and take comfort in the distraction.

FaceTime or Google Hangout

After you have exchanged endless text messages because you have all of the time in the world now, why not take it to the next level? It’s important to actually see and hear one another, watch mannerisms and reactions to understand if you have chemistry. By getting on a video chat, you come as close as you can to a real date.

Watch Netflix together.

With the latest introduction of Netflix Party, you can ‘live’ watch any show, movie or documentary with someone else, from afar. Since you would likely snuggle up on the couch together after a few dates anyway, try it out while socially-distancing and discuss along the way.


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