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Jessica Hyer left home when she was 16 and managed to make her way into the English and Drama program at the University of Manchester. Fast forward a year later and she was struggling to make ends meet, with...
Everyone is enticed by a no-strings-attached encounter for different reasons. Sometimes, it’s to get over a terrible, sex-less relationship. Perhaps, it’s when you’re in the mood to do the horizontal tango — but you’re not ready for anything serious....
Have you ever been sitting across from a random gal you met on a dating app, trying to decipher if she’s listening to you? Or if she’s interested in you at all? Worst of all: if she’s there to...
If you’ve been swiping on Tinder, Bumble, Hinge, this-thing, that-one — you’ve probably developed a handful of conditions. You know, like dating PTSD: where you’re convinced everyone will ghost or catfish you. Maybe you now believe you could be...
If you find yourself mulling over that friend-of-a-friend from high school’s latest ode to her husband and wondering why you’re still single — we have a way to cure the green-eyed monster. While envy never really wore well on...
Like it or not, you’re about to be schooled on what it’s like to get kinky in your 50s (and 60s and 70s…). Recently we chatted about Lumen, a dating app designer for the over-the-hill crowd who are looking...
While many sexual orientations are rather straightforward to define, asexuality is one of those identifies that is commonly misunderstood. As a blanket term, many associate this type of attraction as, well, the opposite of lust. However, there are plenty...
If you ask the vast majority of men on dating apps, they’ll say it’s largely a ‘numbers game.’ Though this can be taken many ways, dudes often receive far less matches than females, who tend to be pickier with...
When you’re in a relationship (or even dating around), you’ve probably thought to yourself a few dozen times: If only I could read her mind. This is true when she’s saying the 10th crazy thing of the day —...
Tune in to — literally — any movie or TV show and the same ‘ole story will play out. Man wants to have sex. Woman isn’t feeling it. Man gets frustrated. Woman eventually decides she wants to. And boom-shack-a-lak. Considering much...
If you’ve ever chatted with your female friends about their dating lives, you’ve probably been amazed at how much they’re willing to share. Generally speaking, men are a little more tight-lipped about dating issues they’re facing, especially with other...
For most modern singles, it’s hard to imagine a time before online dating apps. But as technology advances with the hope of making finding loves a flick of the finger, things can get creepy… fast. Or how should we...
If you want to collect passport stamps and catch feelings, your wanderlust could be causing a major delay in the takeoff of a new relationship. At least, according to recent research conducted at Harvard University. How come? Well, no...
With decades under their belt, eHarmony is often considered one of the original online dating sites. Though they’ve evolved their brand to reflect shifting dynamics within newer generations, they’re still trying to compete with the millennial favorites of Tinder...
We know, we know — you don’t want to think about your parents gettin’ jiggy with it, but you had to get here somehow. And if researchers are right, there’s a high chance your parents had more sexy time...
With a newborn baby and a three year old, Melissa Davis discovered her husband was cheating on her. As she puts it, the news nearly killed her. Not only was she dealing with betrayal and heartbreak but she now...
It takes two to tango — or is it three to tap dance? Maybe it’s four to foxtrot? If you ask Canadians on how many partners they’d prefer to have, the answers may surprise you. At least, according to...
When I was single, one of my happily-married best friends jokingly said “You’ll know you’ve met your match when you date someone you look like.” I shrugged her off — even though her and her husband have a striking...
As any strategic gamer knows — it’s always best to stack up your odds to win. In the new name of digital love, this often means joining each and every dating site you can in the hopes of meeting your...
There are already a seemingly infinite amount of ways to find love these days.  For starters, you have the household-name apps, like Tinder, Hinge and Bumble. Then, the veterans of the online dating world like Match.com and eHarmony. There...